Problem Solving Challenge!

We were set a Problem Solving question by Tim from GlosMaths, who knows that we like a challenge!

The problem was this:

Bert and Ernie both have some money.

Bert says to Ernie “If you give me a pound, I will have double your amount”.

Ernie says to Bert “Yes, but if you give me a pound, we will have the same amount!”.

How much do Bert and Ernie each have?


Read below for our answer!



We used a table to work out this question, although we also used trial and error!

Through trial and error, we realised that there had to be a difference of two between the amounts because otherwise the part where they need the same amount would never work.

We also worked out that it had to be an odd number because otherwise the part where Bert had double would not work (unless it wasn’t a whole pound).

We tried different amounts which weren’t a whole pound, but could not find any which work.

Some of us also tried to find if there was more than one answer, but that didn’t work either. However, we did notice that if it was a difference of £10, then multiplying each number by 10 would also work!

So the answer is….. (drumroll please!)


Bert has £7 and Ernie has £5!


Check out the pictures of our working out below!



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